To make mv from source, you must have ibm C compiler version 1.0 or Microsoft C version 3.0 plus the macro assembler. Just type make mv and it will create mv.exe for you. If you use Microsoft C version 4.0, edit front.c to reverse the order of the parameters in the "rename" function. Files description mv makefile for mv absdr.asm absolute disk read/write BIOS call func32h.asm routine to call an undocumented DOS function putn.asm routine to print strings testmv.bat batch file I used to test mv break.c routines to check and set break status error.c routines to handle fatal errors front.c front end of the mv program fstat.c routines to find matching files and their attributes mv.c routines for moving sub-directories normal.c routines to normalize a path specification sector.c routines to do buffered disk read/write mv.exe executable version of mv peek.h macros for peeking and poking memory dta.h data structure at disk transfer address; used by fstat.c date.h defines the date when the last version was made